Become a “Wealthy Affiliate” by Turning Your Interests Into a Successful Affiliate Marketing Online Business!

This is one of our most highly recommended training system on this entire website. Gr1innovations has been online for over TWO DECADES teaching people how to make money online and we have rarely been so excited about any program, resource, opportunity, system, membership, service, product, course, or anything else! Really this is pretty much all of those things rolled into one, so even better for you.
I have personally been making money through internet marketing and blogging for a long time (20+ years), but it took years of grinding out a decent living, going from one business opportunity to another, working 80+ hours per week, before I finally found a program that told me the truth and gave me what I truly needed to succeed on the internet. They didn’t promise me overnight riches or easy money, and they did not guarantee I would become successful for doing next to nothing. They were honest and realistic, said I needed to work hard, but also showed me what to do in order to create a strong foundation for my online business.
This training center finally explained to me HOW I would be earning money online before I gave them any of my hard earned cash. That was a new concept to me as I had done nothing but spend money in order to make money for a long time before finding them.
So, what is the program I am talking about?
As you’ve probably guessed by now, it is called Wealthy Affiliate (aka “The Home of Affiliate Marketing”).
Honestly, if you have a computer/tablet with internet connection (and I assume you do since you are reading this right now) and you can follow simple instructions, then you can certainly make money through the Wealthy Affiliate training system.
Here are the 4 super simple steps of the Wealthy Affiliate process:
- Find Your Interest (choose a niche)
- Build a Website
- Get Targeted Traffic
- Earn Money from Affiliate Programs
The process is simple, but there are a LOT of things that go into each step, and Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to do all of them in the best possible way. They truly do train you on everything you need to start, build, and grow a successful online business. The best part is that you can join absolutely FREE and get your business started!
No matter what level you are at in your internet marketing journey, you can benefit from what WA has to offer. They cater to all levels of experience, and all different types of people at all stages in life.
This is perfect for:
- Stay at Home Parents
- Students
- Retirees
- Aspiring Business Owners
- Unemployed Professionals
- People Who Are Sick of Their Jobs
- Affiliate Marketers
- Bloggers
- Hobbyists
- Anyone Looking for Extra Income!
Whether you are wanting to build a full-time internet business, add an additional part-time income, or just earn some extra spending money — Wealthy Affiliate University is what you are looking for. You can and will learn how to make money with wealthy affiliate.
This is NOT a network marketing program and you are not required to promote WA itself. There are no commitments or gimmicks. They simply teach you some of the best ways to make money online.
I will tell you flat out that without the type of system they teach, I absolutely wouldn’t be where I am today. It’s not even a question!
I’ve got a bunch of blogs and internet businesses that I earn a very good living from, so one thing people ask me all the time is, “how much money can I make online?” The honest answer is… as much as you want! I know that’s not exactly what people want to hear, but it’s the truth. You can literally earn a virtually unlimited amount of money online if you do it right. This is a business, and one with very few limitations!
If you asked, “how much does a car cost?” or “how much money does a CEO earn?” or whatever (you get the idea) the answer would be similar… There is no exact answer because it depends on multiple factors. The sky is the limit!
Of course, you aren’t going to get rich quickly, and by no means do they promise you will. That’s because they are a legitimate training program and not some scam or scheme.
In fact, wealthy affiliate really isn’t just another one of those courses or products or programs or opportunities that you see every day. It’s all of those things combined with an interactive community of like-minded entrepreneurs helping each other out in every way imaginable.
Okay, So, What Is Wealthy Affiliate, Really?
In my expert opinion, Wealthy Affiliate is more of a service and community than it is a product. As I said above, in a way it is a hybrid of many things (program, course, system, opportunity, community, etc). Basically it’s an online business training center that teaches you everything you need to know about creating profitable websites and the internet marketing strategies for building a successful online business.
It’s like a full blown affiliate marketing university that consists of:
- Video Training
- Coaching
- Tutorials
- Virtual Classrooms
- Live Training Sessions
- Task Based Courses
- Interactive Discussions
- And SO Much More!
In addition, they also offer everything you need to start and build a website:
- Domain Registrar
- Web Hosting
- Site Builder
- Keyword Research Tool
Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned their spectacular support. I’ve never seen a more responsive and helpful support team. It’s truly unheard of in this day and age.
If you expect to achieve a high level of success in the online business world, one of the most important things you should have is a real support system. You also need to have mentorship from successful people in a solid program that has been proven to work and produce results that you can verify. There is no doubt that WA offers this and MUCH more!
What Wealthy Affiliate Is NOT:
- A push button get rich quick scheme – We’ve already established that it takes time, effort, focus, and commitment.
- MLM – There is no need to recruit anyone else in order to make money, you will monetize your niche sites through affiliate marketing.
- Blackhat bullshit – Everything with WA is all a perfectly legit and ethical way to make money online.
- A scam – It’s a 100% genuine training program – with nearly 1,000,000 members (yes, a MILLION) – that has been online for more than a decade and is still going strong!
How Much Can I Earn With The WA Program?
As I said above, I get asked this question all the time, and to be honest, there is no exact answer to it. Everyone is different and there are way too many variables. All I can say is, you will get out of it what you put into it, and it is designed for anyone who joins to succeed. If you follow and implement the training, stay focused, ask questions, and put in consistent time & effort on a daily basis then the amount of money you can earn is virtually unlimited.
Building your business is not going to happen overnight – no matter what you do – but earning an extra $1,000 per month with the wealthy affiliate training is very doable in a relatively fast amount of time. Then, once you reach that point, turning it into $5,000 per month will be infinitely easier. After that, you shouldn’t have hardly any trouble reaching the $10k/mo level, and just keep increasing from there. There are lots of people earning well over $100,000 per month with affiliate marketing.
It’s not difficult if you are honest with yourself and truly follow the system. You just have to be consistent and put in the work. Nobody gets rich quick unless you win the lottery, and good luck with that!
What I do know is with WA you are given all the tools needed to build a super successful business on the internet. You just need to apply yourself and take action on the information you are provided. There are numerous cases of people who were able to replace income from taking action on the training at WA and quit their jobs within a few months.
Ok, that is all great, but is Wealthy Affiliate my path to finally making money online?
I would bet you that there are very few, if any, people out there that are more skeptical about these sorts of programs than me. I’ve been doing this a very LONG time and I’ve seen it all. You could say, I know all the tricks of the trade. So I always triple check everything, compare options, research, think about it, research again, think some more… and then I still usually decide not to purchase/join whatever it is. Heck, I even run another blog called, “Internet Marketing Crap” where I call out all the bullshit I see online all the time. Yep, I’m that skeptical about stuff!
So, when I say, I truly believe in Wealthy Affiliate… I mean it!
In my expert opinion, WA is not only legitimate, it is also a top option for anyone wanting to know how to start, build, grow, and maintain an online business either as an extra source of income or as your way to create financial freedom.
You just read my wealthy affiliate review that basically said nothing but great things about the system. I could literally go on and on all day about the virtually unlimited benefits of joining Wealthy Affiliate. There’s a TON more that I haven’t even come close to touching on in this post.
However, I understand if you don’t want to take my word for it, I know I would want to see for myself if I were you. Like I said above, I’m as big of a skeptic as it gets. Therefore, I encourage you to go to their website and check it out. It’s 100% free to join as a starter membership, so you can look into it for yourself without any fear whatsoever. Trust me, you will be glad you did.
The choice is yours, I am not forcing you to do anything, you are the only one that knows if you are truly ready to create a better life for you and your family. I’m just letting you know that I highly recommend wealthy affiliate for that EXACT reason!
Charan says
Thanks for sharing mate! I will join the wealthy affiliate program. Recently, I started an entirely new blog for affiliate programs on hosting and servers. Hope I will find some good affiliate programs. Thanks for sharing.