NOTICE: Rich Jerk is currently SOLD OUT and has been taken off the market indefinitely.
However, here is a new product from the creator of the Rich Jerk (Kelly Felix) outlining how he wrote a simple ebook that he built into a passive $3k per month income on Clickbank, then ultimately turned it into an infomercial that sold over $50 MILLION USD, and became the #1 half-hour show in the USA — Ahead of MANY very well-known companies/products that are household names!
Check it out >>> Underestimated by Kelly Felix
The Rich Jerk Review – New Updated Version
The much anticipated brand new version of the insanely popular and highly controversial “The Rich Jerk” make money online training program has just launched. So, these are exciting times in the internet marketing world!

Anyway, let me digress just a bit…
Sometime back around 2004 or 2005 (I don’t recall the exact date) the original “Rich Jerk” took the internet by storm! It was all anyone could talk about and was hugely successful.
I happened to be lucky enough to already be a part of the internet marketing world back then but was still relatively new in my venture to make money online. I had been in the industry for about two years at that point and had worked my way up to earning a decent living online, but was certainly not successful enough at that time to overlook a program like this.
Everyone and their dog was promoting it as the best system out there, so I bought it and agreed that it was FANTASTIC! There is no doubt that I learned a lot from it and was definitely able to apply the information to earn more money than I ever had before on the internet. I credit the original rich jerk program with helping take my home business to the next level. I will never forget that.
I’ve also met a LOT of people over the years in various places – both online and offline – that were able to make money at home for the first time because of The Rich Jerk, and the vast majority went on to become successful internet marketers… some are even millionaires today! It’s incredible what this foul-mouthed, politically incorrect, offensive, obnoxious, prick has been able to do for the financial security of so many people!
Now that the new version 2.0 is out all these years later, I am excited to dig in and see what I can learn from it once again. Even though my online business is very successful these days, there’s always an opportunity to grow, and I hope the rich jerk will fulfill my expectations just as much now as he did the first time all those years ago.
There is certainly a large amount of people who are turned off by his style, and that’s what he wants. The Rich Jerk is purposely trying to offend people. That’s the way he is. Personally, I actually like it. To me, it’s refreshing to see someone be totally over the top with an “I don’t give a f#(k” attitude in this day & age where everyone is so sensitive and politically correct. Obviously it’s just an act but it’s fun if you don’t take it too seriously, and it definitely works from a marketing standpoint for sure! He clearly knows how to create a buzz.
Read my full review below, but first check out these videos for some cool stuff about the infamous asshole we call the rich jerk…
Video of Gary Busey and the “Rich Jerk”
Howard Stern discussing The Rich Jerk 2.0 (NSFW)
Is it a scam? Does this online marketing system really work? Continue reading for the answers…
Okay I’ve now gone through the entire new Rich Jerk and here’s my review of it…
First off, I will let you know that the training has do to with several aspects of internet marketing which includes making a LOT of money with Facebook, getting your website to the top of search engines (such as Google) through SEO, and much more. The strategies taught in this program are seriously responsible for MILLIONS of dollars in online sales every year.
If you are impatient or hate to read, and want to skip the details, then let me save you some time with a quick summary…
YES, this course is worth every cent, and then some! It is definitely NOT a scam. I would pay at least 10 times what it costs to get it again if I had to. You could literally go pay thousands of dollars and spend hundreds of hours at a college to get your degree in internet marketing, and you still would not come close to learning what you will in the Rich Jerk Program. It’s real, it works! Enough said.
I understand if you are skeptical, it’s human nature. I was too. But in this case you really shouldn’t be! I have no complaints whatsoever, and I’m the first to call out something when it just doesn’t add up.
Anyway, for the rest of you, let’s get back to it…
I actually know many of the people involved in creating the Rich Jerk training system. So I can say, without a doubt, that these guys know what they are talking about and consistently deliver HIGH QUALITY information products that can make you a shitload more money than you are right now, or ever have before. That’s just real talk right there – no bullshit!
When RJ version 2 was first launching, I had a long time business friend of mine call me to ask; Why I was promoting it and why they are selling it like this if the information is really so good? Basically, he didn’t like the way it is being sold.
I’m paraphrasing a bit here but my response was something along these lines:
“I am promoting it because the information is INCREDIBLE, and because I honestly believe it is worth at least 10X what they are charging for it. And if you being offended by the way something is being sold is going to get in the way of you getting your hands on a product that can truly help you make money online, then that’s your problem! The Rich Jerk markets his course in a very unique way, and if that offends you… oh well!”
Finally, I want to point out that I’ve been a successful internet marketer for a very long time, so I am very good at sorting the truly great stuff from the pure crap – quite quickly. And this is the real deal. It’s totally legit. I am very confident in that fact!
Maybe you think the rich jerk himself is awesome. Maybe you think he’s offensive and don’t like his angle.
Either way, if you’ve been wondering whether or not the product is any good, and whether or not you should actually buy it, I will say it’s definitely a great training course and is worth far more than what it costs in my opinion. If you put the obnoxious nature of his personality aside and just focus on the program itself, I believe you will find it to be very useful.
If you have any interest at all in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Facebook marketing, or making money online in general, then I highly recommend you grab this product and do exactly what it says. The strategies inside are truly groundbreaking, and haven’t ever been shared before.
The marketing angle itself is a priceless lesson to be learned if nothing else. There’s no denying the fact that it gets a lot of attention and has been wildly successful on two separate occasions – more than a decade apart. Rather than being offended by what he is saying, you should be absorbing what he is doing. Watch a master marketer do his thing and learn something from it!
And that, my friend, is my honest review of the Rich Jerk. So take it or leave it, but don’t come crying to me if you miss out!
Now, go watch the Rich Jerks R-rated Video (Warning: Very offensive!)
With appearances by: Dennis Rodman, Gary Busey, and Ron Jeremy…
We are ALL exactly where we want to be. If your life sucks, it’s YOUR fault! Because you have allowed and accepted every circumstance in your life. If you want something more, you need to do whatever it takes to change it! If you want money – go get some – it’s as simple as that.
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