Learn the Tai Lopez 67 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire
How to Live a Good Life and the Grand Theory of Everything –- with Tai Lopez!

Okay, so, what is the 67 steps program?
In a nutshell, it is an online education course that teaches people the things they should have been taught in school about — Health, Wealth, Love & Happiness — but weren’t, and now they wish they would have been. It was created by the personal development guru, Tai Lopez.
Each of the 67 steps contains multiple lessons learned from the many mentors Tai has had over the years, the hundreds of books he’s read, and personal experiences he has gained building his many successful business ventures.
When you invest in the 67 Steps, you save a lot of years (potentially even decades) of wasted time figuring everything out on your own.
The lessons revealed since this program was first released have improved countless lives throughout the world.
This is the closest thing I’ve ever seen for a safe, foolproof, step-by-step guide on how to become successful!
Generally speaking the program overall is essentially a no-nonsense approach to life that helps you gain the mental and emotional resources necessary to succeed in whatever you do, and start living the best possible life for you.
I’m not going to give you all of the 67 steps or details about them because that wouldn’t be fair to Tai Lopez and his team, or any of the thousands of people who have already purchased the program, but I will give you a small taste of some of the awesome information contained in the membership:
- Be Worth A Damn
- Become Adaptable
- Humble Yourself
- Get A Mentor
- Ignore the Masses
- Grind Daily
- Escape the Salary
- Learning Forever
- Be Tough
- Master Your Mind
- Build Upon Your Strengths
- Find Something You Like, Not Love
- Preparation Is Key
- Adopt the Investor Mentality
- Be a Social Butterfly
- Seek the Truth
- Define Your Goals
- Choose Relationships Carefully
- Spend Your Time Wisely
- Prioritize
Remember, each of the above has a plethora of information within them inside the course – plus nearly 50 more lessons!
At the time of writing this post, the 67 steps is the #1 product in the business/investing section of Clickbank out of literally hundreds of products & services in that section of one of the top affiliate marketplaces on the entire internet. That speaks volumes for it in itself.
How much does the 67 steps program cost?
Yup, you guessed it, only $67
I’ve heard people say that’s expensive, or that the program should be free, or asking if it’s a scam, and all sorts of other stuff.
To that I say…
How many times have you gone out partying and spent way more than $67 on booze in one night with nothing to show for it other than a hangover the next day? How much do you spend every month on coffee or junk food? What does your cable bill cost you every month? How many thousands of dollars worth of clothes/shoes are in your closet that you’ve barely ever worn? What else do you waste hundreds of dollars on per year?
All of that shit does nothing for you whatsoever! In fact, most of it actually hurts you in one way or another.
So, why would you not be willing to invest a measly $67 on something that could literally change your life for the better?
Even if you only get ONE golden nugget out of it all then you will still be better off than you are right now. At the very worst, you get nothing out of it, and you won’t be any worse off than you currently are.
To me, it’s a no-brainer! There is literally nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Look, I am not trying to convince anyone that they NEED this program. It really doesn’t affect me either way. I am just giving my thoughts on the subject so you can make an informed and unbiased decision.
With that being said, think of it this way…
Ideally, you will gain some useful insight and knowledge that helps you or your business grow.
Worst case, you are out $67.
I’m just saying, most people spend WAY more than that on coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, or some other crap every month.
Heck, many people spend tens of thousands of dollars getting a college degree and end up learning next to nothing. Then, they get a job they hate that barely pays the bills. I find it quite crazy that people freak out over $67 when they will go $50,000 to $100,000 or more in debt to go to college just for the sake of getting a degree that they aren’t sure what they are gonna do with, and there are no refunds.
I’m not saying that getting a college degree isn’t a good choice for some people (I have two of them), but it is FAR more expensive than this program and you may end up wasting years of your life and loads of money for no reason whatsoever. So, what’s the harm in testing out a $67 program that has quite literally changed the lives of thousands of people for the better?!
Are you going to read the steps in this mentorship program, then turn around and make a million dollars overnight? No, of course not! Will you have a better outlook on life and information that could very well help you build a successful business, better health, stronger relationships, and more happiness? Yes, I believe you will, as long as you keep an open mind and apply the knowledge you gain! You have to listen and absorb what you are being taught.
A lot of people just need some extra motivation and advice from someone who has a ton of different experiences in life and business, and is knowledgeable about many things. This is what Tai Lopez has to offer in the 67 steps membership. It is up to the individuals to use what they learn and put it into action in their daily lives.
It’s definitely not some “magic solution” like other programs try to make you believe they are. Nothing is the absolute solution for anyone. You still have to be willing to put in the time, effort, and work to apply the lessons of the 67 steps in order to reap the rewards.
In my opinion, if you are open-minded and willing to listen, learn, and put into action what you learn from the program – you will almost certainly see some significant growth in your personal life and/or business.

Is Tai Lopez a Scam?
Getting away from directly discussing the 67 steps program for a bit, a lot of people want to know if the owner, Tai Lopez, is a scam artist.
I personally don’t think he is in any way, shape, or form. And I have been following him for years online, as well as have met him before.
People love to call him a scammer, but this is my Tai Lopez Review….
- The dude has MILLIONS of followers on all the top social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. And has a TON of social proof showing positive customer testimonials, reviews, comments, etc…
- All his products have tons of raving fans giving him positive reviews and testimonials on a daily basis. Most of them are on video or posted on their own social media accounts, so there’s no way they could be faked either.
- He gets invited to speak at internet marketing conferences and other business events, and a ton of people show up to listen to him. Often times in record-breaking numbers.
- Tai puts his entire life out there for the world to see. He’s not trying to hide behind an anonymous identity, a computer screen, use a fake name, or anything else like that. He’s out there in public.
- He’s done a “TEDx Talk” — which is a very popular and respected media organization — and his TED talk has gotten more than 9,000,000 views so far. Yes, 9 Million!
- He freely gives away cars, cash, tablets and smartphones all the time. He’s as generous of a person as I’ve ever seen.
- He hangs out with a lot of celebrities (in both business and entertainment) and professional athletes, he seems to treat his employees exceptionally well, and those who know him personally appear to genuinely like him… So I would say that definitely bodes well for his reputation.
- Billionaires such as Mark Cuban, and bestselling authors such as Keith Ferrazzi have collaborated with Tai Lopez. So have MANY other well known people in various professions. He was even a featured guest on the Adam Carolla podcast.
…The list goes on and on!
So, is Tai Lopez a scam artist or a business genius that truly knows what he’s doing? Personally, I believe it’s the latter!
People on the internet love to hate on Tai Lopez, but I have never seen any REAL reason for doing so. His products/programs are totally legit, he gives out a lot of great information for free on his social media accounts, he helps a lot of people out financially for nothing in return, and so on.
I’ve personally never seen or heard of an actual reason to not like the guy, and nobody in his inner circle has ever publicly come out with anything negative about him that I know of either.
You may not like his tactics or personality, but I don’t see how anyone can say he’s a scam artist or that his products are scams. They just aren’t! There’s too much proof to the contrary.
Not long ago, I went to a business mastermind event that he hosted in Los Angeles. The event lasted then entire day – around 12 hours. Tai spent personal time with everyone that was there. He gave specific business advice to everyone in attendance. He didn’t directly try to sell anything to anyone (at least not that I saw). It was a great opportunity to network with other business owners, and meet a virtual celebrity in the social media world. The people that were at the event were all business owners in one form or another – some were already highly successful and some were just getting started – but everyone appeared to be very happy with the event and what they learned. I know I was!
Also, from what I’ve heard and seen, he treats his employees very well. In fact, the 67 steps was actually something he made for his employees. Then, he decided it was something the public could benefit from as well, so he started offering it up for all. People close to him seem to really like him. That has to count for something.
I’m not saying he doesn’t have any skeletons in the closet or that he’s perfect. Nobody can say that about anybody, and I don’t intimately know the guy, I’m just sharing my opinion based on what I have seen over the years.
Yes, he can be a bit too flashy and even cocky at times. No doubt about that. He likes to show off his cars, girls, and other stuff but that’s just the larger than life persona he has created on the surface. Under that is a wealth of knowledge and a very generous human being.
One thing I can say without a doubt is that the dude is a marketing genius! There is NO disputing that fact. Whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny that he has an incredible ability to market himself and his products. If nothing else, I admire him for that. There’s a lot to be learned just from his marketing tactics alone. Since most people who follow him (and this blog) are current or aspiring business owners, he offers a wealth of knowledge for you and your company just by seeing what he does and how he does it.
At the very least, if you follow him, he is entertaining and shares some useful knowledge. Nothing wrong with that!
I check out his snapchats, instagrams, and facebook posts on a daily basis, as well as his youtube videos quite frequently, and I have done so for years. I’ve personally gotten a lot of inspiration, motivation, and golden business nuggets from Tai Lopez and I don’t understand why he has so many haters. That’s just my personal experience with him. Take it or leave it. The choice is yours.
What does Tai Lopez do?
Well, other than being the 67 steps creator, he does several things, including:
- Personal Development Guru
- Business Mogul
- Real Estate Investor
- Author
- Entrepreneur
- Social Media Expert
- Entertainer
- Mentor
- Internet Marketer
- Mensa Member (yeah he’s technically a genius)
…and more!
The real Tai Lopez is a gifted & persuasive speaker & teacher that draws lessons from history, psychology, philosophy, science, religion, books, social interactions, business experiences, and other intellectual realms in order to deliver the fundamentals of motivation and success in an exciting and easily digestible way.
Basically what I am saying is… the man knows his shit. He has a ton of business experience in many different industries and an insane amount of knowledge to share. He’s got a bigger than life personality, which puts a lot of people off, but if you look past that then you will likely learn some very useful information from him and his programs.
Overall, my review of the 67 steps program and of Tai Lopez himself is positive. His products and personality aren’t for everyone (nothing is), but I would say the vast majority of people could certainly benefit from his training. I truly believe that the 67 steps could change your life for the better, and so could the man behind the scenes – Tai Lopez.
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