In the online marketing world, videos are quickly becoming the king of content. They rank extremely well for SEO purposes, people love them so they are much more likely to share them to create a viral marketing effect, they are engaging and make it easy to get a lot of information out in a relatively short period of time, and the trend seems to be rising quickly in favor of video marketing over most other strategies. Internet marketers are jumping all over video marketing because it has proven to be a highly effective way to promote your business and/or expand your brand on the internet.
So, you need to start video marketing now before your competition leaves you in the dust. The longer you wait the further you fall behind!
This is true whether you are setting up an affiliate site or are building a website for your business. One of the biggest barriers that seems to exist isn’t necessarily the lack of desire to create videos but rather an inherent fear of actually doing it. However, the benefits of video marketing have become even more solidified over the past several years, and there’s little chance that video’s will become less important in the near future.
Here are some things to think about when deciding whether or not you should take the plunge into the realm of video marketing…
One of the first things to get over right away is that the people watching your videos are going to know whether you are an amateur videographer or a professional, and it doesn’t matter. You will find very few niches where your target audience will actually expect you to create super high quality professional videos. Most people who visit YouTube are expecting to find amateur videos shot at home or “on the run” in some random location. In fact, the vast majority of the most popular people on YouTube simply shoot their videos in front of a webcam, handheld camera, or their phones. You can do the same.
Your online marketing video may not be some big dramatic production, but that doesn’t take away from the value included in it – Assuming you are creating useful videos, which you should be! Like I said, many of the most successful videos are nothing more than someone sitting in front of their camera and just talking to the world. There is truly no need for you to waste a bunch of time and effort buying or figuring out how all those complicated video editing software’s work. All you need to do is sit down in front of your computer, record a video, do a few simple edits (or just leave it as is), and then publish it.
Another way to think about it is like this… Do you have to be a professional writer in order to become a blogger? Of course, not! The same rule applies to video marketing. In fact, you will likely relate to your audience better if you are just a “regular” person talking to them in real terms. No need to try to be bigger and better than everyone else. Just give useful information and they will respect you for it.
Clearly it is obvious that video marketing has more than proven to be incredibly beneficial for several reasons and isn’t going anywhere in the near future. And a huge reason why you should be utilizing it is because it gives you access to a unique traffic source that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to tap into, and it can be a huge amount of traffic. If you create a short video that someone watches and then they click over to your website, or share the video with others, they are already invested in what you are trying to tell them. As a result, they have prequalified themselves in a way that is difficult to replicate elsewhere and their sharing may end up making your video spread far and wide to thousands of people! You can’t buy that kind of publicity.
Another somewhat obvious but also very significant benefit to video production for marketing purposes is that videos are much more captivating so they allow you to capture the attention of people that would otherwise ignore your content. People learn in all types of different ways and will naturally choose options that they are most comfortable with. So it’s best to use a combination of text, images, audio, and video content on your website and in your marketing efforts in order to cover all bases. Not only will this pull more people to your website, it will also improve their user experience once they are there. Therefore, they will stay on your site longer, be more likely to share your content with others, and will be far more likely to purchase from you.
So, as you can see, there are a lot of benefits to video content and not really a whole lot of negatives, if any. It’s something that can only help with your overall internet marketing success. And that’s why it’s time for you to start video marketing right now!
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