Hello my GR1Innovations.com friends, today my question for you is… would you like to make an extra $25,000 this year? Yeah I think that’s a pretty obvious “YES” for the vast majority of people in the world! And I must assume it’s definitely something you are interested in considering you are on a site about how to make money online right now.
You have undoubtedly learned enough from the posts on this blog to start a successful home business this year, but I know that sometimes you can get information overload, which can lead to paralysis by analysis, and hinder your efforts to make money online. It happens to us all at some point.
However, I have a blogging strategy for you that you can use right now to start making money quite fast and turn it into an easy $25k yearly income (or more) by the end of the year if you actually take action now and keep at it! No need to do much thinking or analyzing before jumping on this idea because it’s pretty simple and straightforward. Now, I’m not guaranteeing you will make that much money because results will vary depending on numerous factors from person-to-person and place-to-place, but I do know this is a solid strategy that can be replicated with a higher probability of success for many people than most other online business models. Nothing works 100% of the time for everyone, but I would bet on this working more often than not; especially when compared against even the best home business ideas being touted on the internet today. That is if you actually take my challenge and do it!
You will notice that I did not say you will “make serious cash” as I do not find $25k to be a huge amount of money, especially with the cost of living today. This isn’t money you will be able to live on but I know that many of you are barely making $100 per month from your websites right now, if you are making anything at all, so an extra $25,000 per year should be a welcome amount. Or if you are just getting started at internet marketing or blogging then I’m sure you would be ecstatic with that much extra money in your bank account in such a short amount of time. And even better if you are only needing some extra cash to get yourself out of a debt hole, buy a car, save for family vacations, build up a retirement nest egg, or pay your monthly bills. Adding another $25,000 per year to your bank account can go a long way in helping to take care of your financial future.
By now, you are probably asking yourself, what the hell do I have to do to make this extra $25k per year? Luckily enough for you, it’s really not a huge pain in the ass to make this money like it is with so many other ideas and opportunities.
So, let’s get to it…
Your local niche should be a MUST in your online home business portfolio. Local blogging is not utilized nearly enough, so it’s still largely an untapped opportunity in most areas, as well as in the vast majority of niches within a local area. So I am challenging you to start your local niche blog today, and I will tell you the type to start and why.

First, I want to tell you my view on blogging so you understand me a bit better. I believe blogging is still in its infancy, even though it seems just about everyone has a blog these days, and many people think the blogging craze might have hit its peak. I think it still has a long way to go. Think about the 10 people you know the most – your closest friends and family. How many of them have their own blogs? I bet the answer is zero, or one, maybe two, at the most. Everyone has a hobby, passion, or expertise in something that they could blog about.
The fact is that the power of bloggers has been lost on people who keep starting blogs about blogging or making money online. I know this might sound a bit ironic coming from a make money online blog but bear with me on this. Now, imagine if all those blogs instead were local niche blogs with an audience covering a specific geographical location.
I truly think local bloggers could be the most powerful media out there. A local blogger could go to a local event with his/her laptop and phone, and in a matter of hours have full description online of exactly what happened from a first-person perspective with no corporate control of the information. Imagine being a local blogger at a protest of some sort and now you are the voice that the large media outlets do not want out there. Folks, the power the blogger has is unimaginable, but for quite some time it has been wasted on trying to get to the first page of the search engines for huge topics, or trying to become social media famous.
The time has arrived for niche bloggers to show their strength, and prove to the world that the little guy can be just as powerful as the big brands and famous rich people, but the question is… Are you willing to do this? Why not make money while also making a difference in your community at the same time? Why not scream instead of just whisper? The combination of how Google (and other search engines) looks at blogs and the need for new relevant information gives us an advantage compared to every other media out there, but again, I ask you… Do you want to waste this power writing about a bunch of shit that has been beaten to death by thousands of other bloggers, or do you want to be the lone Tiger in your own jungle?
This is what I propose…
Start A Local Blog
I’m sure most people reading this have never even thought about buying a local niche domain, and blogging about your local city/area topics. But this is exactly what I’m talking about – starting a local blog. I’ve done the math and making $25,000 per year should be a breeze with your local niche blog. Now, obviously the larger your city and potential core base of readers, the easier it will be and the more opportunity you will have to increase the income, but even in a small community of 20k to 50k people it is certainly doable — In a smaller population it might not be feasible to bring in $25k but you can still earn a nice sized extra income.
So this is what you will do. Go buy a local niche domain that incorporates your city name and an obvious local news word like:
- News
- Times
- Post
- Register
- Chronicle
- Courier
- Tribune
- Journal
- Herald
- Sentinel
- Gazette
So, for example, if the city you live in is named Urbandale then you could be “The Urbandale Post” and your domain could be UrbandalePost.com or something like that. You get the idea. Basically you are mimicking a local newspaper.
Once you have your domain registered, hosting purchased, and wordpress installed, you need to get a theme. I highly suggest getting a news or magazine theme. I feel it is very important to go with a news type of theme from the start because they will best fit with what you are trying to accomplish here and they tend to look very professional. The two I recommend are the News Pro and Magazine Pro Genesis themes from Studiopress.
You can cover all different kinds of local topics in your blog posts. Some of these could include:
- General News
- Nightlife
- Entertainment
- Businesses
- Attractions
- Events
- Clubs
- Jobs
- Real Estate
- Sports
- Schools
- Tourism
- Culture
- Opinion
- Weather
- Local Politics
…And SO MUCH more! Basically anything you want about your city or area. The topics are practically endless and there will always be something new to write about every day. You won’t ever run out of material or ideas. This is the perfect situation for a blogger and almost nobody is doing it.
Make sure you do enough research to find the perfect market to start with in your area for searches. Depending on where you live, you might want to start with a smaller sector of your city and eventually expand all the way to the entire city, add suburbs, county, and so on. If you are in a huge city then you might need to shrink it down into a smaller subset of the metro area, or just the opposite if you are in a small city. Or maybe you live close enough to a different city that would be better to do this in than your own. A little research is all you need.
Do not worry if you see a few blogs/sites covering similar topics in the same area. Look at their authority, backlinks, social profiles, followers, subscribers, and other stats/metrics, along with what they talk about. If they are a generic subject and don’t have badass stats, which will be the vast majority of them, you will still kick their asses. Even if they do have great metrics, you can still compete with them, or just blog about different topics from your local area than they do. There will always be a way to win, you just may have to switch up your strategy a bit to do it.
Therefore, don’t worry about competition in these targeted communities. Think about how many people (probably you included) are currently blogging in niches that have 100k searches a month and thousands upon thousands of sites competing against them. Look at me, I am writing about how to make money online and other topics about online business, which have insane competition! The stuff you will be writing about now will have maybe 5-20 blogs/sites for competition, so it should be a joke compared to what you are doing now.

You will not use Google Adsense or any other similar pay per click (PPC) program to monetize this blog because the cost per click (CPC) will likely be super low on average. Instead, you will make your money from local business advertising and/or generic ads from online businesses related to the topics you are discussing. You will be very focused on the advertising opportunities and selective on what you will be accepting, so you will be setting yourself up from the beginning to sell ad space on your site. This should be in the back of your mind from day one. There are almost certainly a ton of businesses in your local area, as well websites that target audiences in your area, that will be happy to pay you to advertise on your site once it starts gaining popularity.
Remember, you will be looking at your income from this local niche blog on a yearly basis, not on a daily basis. This is one of the biggest factors why people get frustrated and quit on an online business, they get too hung up on the daily stats and income. Sometimes several days or even weeks go by without me even looking at my stats or looking at my affiliate accounts to see if I made any money. I do not concentrate on making money, I concentrate on building my sites and the money comes automatically as a natural side-effect. It might take months to build a profitable site, and once you do, there may still be days where you don’t make any money from it. So, focus on the big picture and long term results, rather than what it is doing on a daily basis. Once your blog gains momentum and people start taking notice, you could go from ZERO to THOUSANDS of dollars in advertising income virtually overnight.
You will need to focus on many subjects on your local niche blog, but as I said before, it won’t be very difficult to do. You’ve got local sports, weather, entertainment, events, politics, attractions, night life, restaurants, businesses, breaking news, and MANY other topics at your disposal. I can tell you that if you write about local school sports, local weather, and local politics for example; you can get national readership just from that. Not to mention, you will become a celebrity of sorts in your local niche market. It’s not very difficult to compete with even the biggest newspapers in your city when you come equipped with internet marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing skills! They rely on their name and reputation from the old days, but you are battling them with modern digital marketing strategies, so you can win.

You won’t find many other online business ideas that you can jump into so easily and start earning money so quickly. This is about as simple as it gets! I’ve been around the internet marketing scene for a very long time and I would say this has to be one of the easiest ways to make money blogging, or any other way on the internet, so I challenge you to leave the excuses behind and get started on it right now! You could be pulling in an extra $25k by the end of the year.
Darell Long says
This is great idea to earn money online using blogging and local resources. Thank you so very much for sharing these tips!