This post doesn’t specifically have anything to do with business or making money, but in a way it does, because it has real-life implications that can be applied to any situation or circumstance. So, do not overlook the power of this information if you are here just looking for online business advice! Anyway, let’s get to it…
Sit back and take a good look around you right now at this very moment. Take in everything you can see. Also, listen to any sounds you can hear. I’m serious. It doesn’t matter whether you are at home, work, or in a public place somewhere. Just look at all the stuff and listen to the sounds. Be fully in the moment. Let nothing else distract you.
I am guessing at this very moment you can either see or hear a lot of different things. Some things you might be seeing or hearing right now are; Cell phones, computers, TV’s, radio, cars, buildings, lights, microwave, DVD player, printer, fax machine, airplane, refrigerator, iPod, and thousands of other things. You obviously see some sort of computer or mobile device with an internet connection – otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now.
You might be wondering what my point is? Don’t worry, I’m about to tell you!
The point is that virtually everything you can see or hear around you right now was just a thought, idea, or question in somebody’s mind at some time in the past (other than animals and nature of course). Someone had to think of it and it had to be invented. Nobody knew what it was before that and most people probably never imagined or believed whatever it is could even be possible. If you told someone 100 years ago about the internet their mind wouldn’t even be able to grasp it and they would literally think you were insane!
Everyone who has ever achieved something great was told by someone else at some point that it couldn’t be done. But they truly knew deep inside themselves that it could be done, and they did it.
“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill
Nothing worth doing ever comes easy but it can be done. You can do anything if you truly believe it can be done and you let nothing stop you from doing it.
Don’t let your friends, family, peers, co-workers, or anyone else’s negativity get you down! It doesn’t seem possible, but these are your worst enemies when it comes to your hopes & dreams. People tend to put down things that others are setting out to achieve and often times it’s without even realizing it. Sometimes they do it because they think they are saving you from disappointment and failure, and sometimes they do it maliciously to bring you down. Either way, don’t listen to them. Tune them out and move forward.
The dreams and ambitions you have in life are yours for the taking. Go for it! And keep going through anything! It’s ALL possible. Truly, it is!
Whether you know it or not, you have a LOT of potential, and can do anything you want in life if you put your mind to it and truly go for it. The problem is that most people don’t believe in themselves enough to ever live up to their potential. This is usually because they have been told by other people what they can and cannot do in life, or they let their surroundings dictate their ambitions.
No matter where you are in life right now, or where you grew up, or what your family does, I assure you there is more you can do. You have an incredible amount of potential and you shouldn’t let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your hopes and dreams! You might not ever realize your maximum potential, but that’s okay, few people ever do, if any, but at least you will have gotten a lot closer than most if you never stop trying.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” ~Norman Vincent Peale
Be sure to set your goals very high and do whatever it takes to achieve them. Even if by some unfortunate circumstance they don’t completely work out, you will still be flying much higher than you ever would have otherwise. Stop the self-doubting and quit dwelling on mistakes of the past. It’s time to move forward and get the most out of life!
Work towards living up to your maximum potential and see how far it takes you in business, life, relationships, and everything else! Yes, it’s all possible.